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Friday 25 May 2018

Anzac day Holiday Pictures, Quotes, SMS, Messages, Images,

Anzac day Holiday Pictures, Anzac day Quotes, Anzac day SMS, Anzac day Messages, Anzac day Images, Anzac day photos.
From us here at Aussie West Lakes, we pause to remember those who fought on conflicts over seas this anzac day. Lest We Forget.

At the going down of the sun...

I crouched in a shallow trench on that hell of exposed beaches... steeply rising foothills bare of cover... a landscape pockmarked with war’s inevitable litter... piles of stores... equipment... ammunition... and the weird contortions of death sculptured in Australian flesh... I saw the going down of the sun on that first ANZAC Day... the chaotic maelstrom of Australia’s blooding.

I fought in the frozen mud of the Somme... in a blazing destroyer exploding on the North Sea... I fought on the perimeter at Tobruk... crashed in the flaming wreckage of a fighter in New Guinea... lived with the damned in the place cursed with the name Changi.

I was your mate... the kid across the street... the med. student at graduation... the mechanic in the corner garage... the baker who brought you bread... the gardener who cut your lawn... the clerk who sent your phone bill.

I was an Army private... a Naval commander... an Air Force bombardier.  no man knows me... no name marks my tomb, for I am every Australian serviceman... I am the Unknown Soldier.

I died for a cause I held just in the service of my land... that you and yours may say in freedom... I am proud to be an Australian.

" They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them. "

Every time I hear the last post I get a lump in my throat. They gave their lives so that others may live. We will remember them.

Anzac Day (AU & NZ) History

ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of Australia and New Zealand's first major military battle fought during World War I.  ANZAC Day is one of Australia's most important national holidays.  On this day, Australians remember all of the men and women who have died in military actions around the world.  It is observed on April 25th every year.

Anzac Day (AU & NZ) Facts & Quotes

ANZAC is an acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
In 1915, the ANZAC forces joined the allied ones, landing in Gallipoli on April 25th, 1915. Their intention was to conquer Constantinople, Turkey as it was a strong ally of Germany.
The most important tradition of ANZAC Day is the Dawn Service. Traditionally only attended by veteran's and current military, a "stand to" and two minutes of silence would be followed by a bugler blast, the Last Post, and completed with Reveille.
Over 8,000 Australians were killed in the battle at Gallipoli.
60,000 Australians died during World War II.

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