Inspirational Bill Gates Quotes for Students Youngsters Entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, the richest person in the World. Bill Gates a good motivator, speaker, and very inspiring person to all. Some, of his quotes, are really very inspirational to Students, Youngsters, Entrepreneurs, etc. Today we present some of the inspiring quotes on Bill Gates to you all. These English quotes are very motivational inspirational and worth reading.
Inspirational Bill Gates Quotes
If you are born poor it's not your mistake,
But if you die poor it's your mistake. ... BILL GATES
I failed in some subjects in exam,
but my friend passed in all.
Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and
I am the owner of Microsoft. ~ BILL GATES
Life is not fair,
get used to it.
I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.
If you can’t make it good,
at least, make it look good. - BILL GATES
Success is a lousy teacher.
It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.
As we look ahead into the next century,
leaders will be those who empower others.
It’s fine to celebrate success
but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. ~ Bill Gates
If your culture doesn’t like geeks,
you are in real trouble. - Bill Gates
Don't Study to earn
Study to learn
What you learn today
is What you will
become tomorrow
Bill Gates
These are the most and famous Bill Gates inspirational quotes for students, Youngsters, Entrepreneurs. Top Bill Gates are designed with HD wallpapers and inserted with beautiful motivational Quotes in it. We hope you all like these inspiring and fabulous quotes of Bill Gates.